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- DOTween and DOTween Pro are copyright (c) 2014-2018 Daniele Giardini - Demigiant
- // IMPORTANT!!! /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Upgrading DOTween from versions older than 1.2.000 ///////
- // (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) //////////////////////
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- If you're upgrading your project from a version of DOTween older than 1.2.000 (or DOTween Pro older than 1.0.000) please follow these instructions carefully.
- 1) Import the new version in the same folder as the previous one, overwriting old files. A lot of errors will appear but don't worry
- 2) Close and reopen Unity (and your project). This is fundamental: skipping this step will cause a bloodbath
- 3) Open DOTween's Utility Panel (Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel) if it doesn't open automatically, then press "Setup DOTween...": this will run the upgrade setup
- 4) From the Add/Remove Modules panel that opens, activate/deactivate Modules for Unity systems and for external assets (Pro version only)
- // GET STARTED //////////////////////////////////////////////
- - After importing a new DOTween update, select DOTween's Utility Panel from the "Tools/Demigiant" menu (if it doesn't open automatically) and press the "Setup DOTween..." button to activate/deactivate Modules. You can also access a Preferences Tab from there to choose default settings for DOTween.
- - In your code, add "using DG.Tweening" to each class where you want to use DOTween.
- - You're ready to tween. Check out the links below for full documentation and license info.
- // LINKS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DOTween website (documentation, examples, etc): http://dotween.demigiant.com
- DOTween license: http://dotween.demigiant.com/license.php
- DOTween repository (Google Code): https://code.google.com/p/dotween/
- Demigiant website (documentation, examples, etc): http://www.demigiant.com
- // NOTES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- - DOTween's Utility Panel can be found under "Tools > Demigiant > DOTween Utility Panel" and also contains other useful options, plus a tab to set DOTween's preferences