123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246 |
- #include "ShaderMaths.cginc"
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- // Specular functions
- //
- #if defined(_SPECULAR) || defined(_SPECULAR_GLOSSMAP)
- #define SPECULAR
- uniform float _Metallic;
- uniform float _Glossiness;
- uniform float _GlossMapScale;
- uniform sampler2D _MetallicGlossMap;
- struct SpecularLightData
- {
- half3 lighting;
- half3 specular;
- };
- struct SpecularCommonData
- {
- half3 diffColor, specColor;
- // Note: smoothness & oneMinusReflectivity for optimization purposes, mostly for DX9 SM2.0 level.
- // Most of the math is being done on these (1-x) values, and that saves a few precious ALU slots.
- half oneMinusReflectivity, smoothness;
- half alpha;
- };
- inline half2 getMetallicGloss(float2 uv)
- {
- half2 mg;
- mg = tex2D(_MetallicGlossMap, uv).ra;
- mg.g *= _GlossMapScale;
- #else
- mg.r = _Metallic;
- mg.g = _Glossiness;
- #endif
- return mg;
- }
- inline half getOneMinusReflectivityFromMetallic(half metallic)
- {
- // We'll need oneMinusReflectivity, so
- // 1-reflectivity = 1-lerp(dielectricSpec, 1, metallic) = lerp(1-dielectricSpec, 0, metallic)
- // store (1-dielectricSpec) in unity_ColorSpaceDielectricSpec.a, then
- // 1-reflectivity = lerp(alpha, 0, metallic) = alpha + metallic*(0 - alpha) =
- // = alpha - metallic * alpha
- half oneMinusDielectricSpec = unity_ColorSpaceDielectricSpec.a;
- return oneMinusDielectricSpec - metallic * oneMinusDielectricSpec;
- }
- inline SpecularCommonData getSpecularData(float2 uv, half4 texureColor, fixed4 color)
- {
- half2 metallicGloss = getMetallicGloss(uv);
- half metallic = metallicGloss.x;
- half smoothness = metallicGloss.y; // this is 1 minus the square root of real roughness m.
- fixed4 albedo = calculatePixel(texureColor, color);
- half3 specColor = lerp (unity_ColorSpaceDielectricSpec.rgb, albedo, metallic);
- half oneMinusReflectivity = getOneMinusReflectivityFromMetallic(metallic);
- half3 diffColor = albedo * oneMinusReflectivity;
- SpecularCommonData o = (SpecularCommonData)0;
- o.diffColor = diffColor;
- o.specColor = specColor;
- o.oneMinusReflectivity = oneMinusReflectivity;
- o.smoothness = smoothness;
- #if defined(_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON) && (SHADER_TARGET >= 30)
- // Reflectivity 'removes' from the rest of components, including Transparency
- // outAlpha = 1-(1-alpha)*(1-reflectivity) = 1-(oneMinusReflectivity - alpha*oneMinusReflectivity) =
- // = 1-oneMinusReflectivity + alpha*oneMinusReflectivity
- //o.alpha = 1-oneMinusReflectivity + albedo.a*oneMinusReflectivity;
- o.alpha = albedo.a;
- #else
- o.alpha = albedo.a;
- #endif
- return o;
- }
- inline half SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(half smoothness)
- {
- return (1 - smoothness);
- }
- inline half PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(half perceptualRoughness)
- {
- return perceptualRoughness * perceptualRoughness;
- }
- // Ref: http://jcgt.org/published/0003/02/03/paper.pdf
- inline half SmithJointGGXVisibilityTerm (half NdotL, half NdotV, half roughness)
- {
- #if 0
- // Original formulation:
- // lambda_v = (-1 + sqrt(a2 * (1 - NdotL2) / NdotL2 + 1)) * 0.5f;
- // lambda_l = (-1 + sqrt(a2 * (1 - NdotV2) / NdotV2 + 1)) * 0.5f;
- // G = 1 / (1 + lambda_v + lambda_l);
- // Reorder code to be more optimal
- half a = roughness;
- half a2 = a * a;
- half lambdaV = NdotL * sqrt((-NdotV * a2 + NdotV) * NdotV + a2);
- half lambdaL = NdotV * sqrt((-NdotL * a2 + NdotL) * NdotL + a2);
- // Simplify visibility term: (2.0f * NdotL * NdotV) / ((4.0f * NdotL * NdotV) * (lambda_v + lambda_l + 1e-5f));
- return 0.5f / (lambdaV + lambdaL + 1e-5f); // This function is not intended to be running on Mobile,
- // therefore epsilon is smaller than can be represented by half
- #else
- // Approximation of the above formulation (simplify the sqrt, not mathematically correct but close enough)
- half a = roughness;
- half lambdaV = NdotL * (NdotV * (1 - a) + a);
- half lambdaL = NdotV * (NdotL * (1 - a) + a);
- return 0.5f / (lambdaV + lambdaL + 1e-5f);
- #endif
- }
- inline half GGXTerm (half NdotH, half roughness)
- {
- half a2 = roughness * roughness;
- half d = (NdotH * a2 - NdotH) * NdotH + 1.0f; // 2 mad
- return UNITY_INV_PI * a2 / (d * d + 1e-7f); // This function is not intended to be running on Mobile,
- // therefore epsilon is smaller than what can be represented by half
- }
- inline half3 FresnelTerm (half3 F0, half cosA)
- {
- half t = pow5 (1 - cosA); // ala Schlick interpoliation
- return F0 + (1-F0) * t;
- }
- inline half3 FresnelLerp (half3 F0, half F90, half cosA)
- {
- half t = pow5 (1 - cosA); // ala Schlick interpoliation
- return lerp (F0, F90, t);
- }
- // Note: Disney diffuse must be multiply by diffuseAlbedo / PI. This is done outside of this function.
- inline half DisneyDiffuse(half NdotV, half NdotL, half LdotH, half perceptualRoughness)
- {
- half fd90 = 0.5 + 2 * LdotH * LdotH * perceptualRoughness;
- // Two schlick fresnel term
- half lightScatter = (1 + (fd90 - 1) * pow5(1 - NdotL));
- half viewScatter = (1 + (fd90 - 1) * pow5(1 - NdotV));
- return lightScatter * viewScatter;
- }
- // Main Physically Based BRDF
- // Derived from Disney work and based on Torrance-Sparrow micro-facet model
- //
- // BRDF = kD / pi + kS * (D * V * F) / 4
- // I = BRDF * NdotL
- //
- // * NDF (depending on UNITY_BRDF_GGX):
- // a) Normalized BlinnPhong
- // b) GGX
- // * Smith for Visiblity term
- // * Schlick approximation for Fresnel
- SpecularLightData calculatePhysicsBasedSpecularLight(half3 specColor, half oneMinusReflectivity, half smoothness, half3 normal, half3 viewDir, half3 lightdir, half3 lightColor, half3 indirectDiffuse, half3 indirectSpecular)
- {
- half perceptualRoughness = SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness (smoothness);
- half3 halfDir = safeNormalize (lightdir + viewDir);
- // NdotV should not be negative for visible pixels, but it can happen due to perspective projection and normal mapping
- // In this case normal should be modified to become valid (i.e facing camera) and not cause weird artifacts.
- // but this operation adds few ALU and users may not want it. Alternative is to simply take the abs of NdotV (less correct but works too).
- // Following define allow to control this. Set it to 0 if ALU is critical on your platform.
- // This correction is interesting for GGX with SmithJoint visibility function because artifacts are more visible in this case due to highlight edge of rough surface
- // Edit: Disable this code by default for now as it is not compatible with two sided lighting used in SpeedTree.
- // The amount we shift the normal toward the view vector is defined by the dot product.
- half shiftAmount = dot(normal, viewDir);
- normal = shiftAmount < 0.0f ? normal + viewDir * (-shiftAmount + 1e-5f) : normal;
- // A re-normalization should be applied here but as the shift is small we don't do it to save ALU.
- //normal = normalize(normal);
- half nv = saturate(dot(normal, viewDir)); // TODO: this saturate should no be necessary here
- #else
- half nv = abs(dot(normal, viewDir)); // This abs allow to limit artifact
- #endif
- half nl = saturate(dot(normal, lightdir));
- half nh = saturate(dot(normal, halfDir));
- half lv = saturate(dot(lightdir, viewDir));
- half lh = saturate(dot(lightdir, halfDir));
- // Diffuse term
- half diffuseTerm = DisneyDiffuse(nv, nl, lh, perceptualRoughness) * nl;
- // Specular term
- // HACK: theoretically we should divide diffuseTerm by Pi and not multiply specularTerm!
- // BUT 1) that will make shader look significantly darker than Legacy ones
- // and 2) on engine side "Non-important" lights have to be divided by Pi too in cases when they are injected into ambient SH
- half roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptualRoughness);
- half V = SmithJointGGXVisibilityTerm (nl, nv, roughness);
- half D = GGXTerm (nh, roughness);
- half specularTerm = V*D * UNITY_PI; // Torrance-Sparrow model, Fresnel is applied later
- specularTerm = sqrt(max(1e-4h, specularTerm));
- # endif
- // specularTerm * nl can be NaN on Metal in some cases, use max() to make sure it's a sane value
- specularTerm = max(0, specularTerm * nl);
- // surfaceReduction = Int D(NdotH) * NdotH * Id(NdotL>0) dH = 1/(roughness^2+1)
- half surfaceReduction;
- surfaceReduction = 1.0 - 0.28f * roughness * perceptualRoughness; // 1-0.28*x^3 as approximation for (1/(x^4+1))^(1/2.2) on the domain [0;1]
- # else
- surfaceReduction = 1.0 / (roughness*roughness + 1.0); // fade \in [0.5;1]
- # endif
- // To provide true Lambert lighting, we need to be able to kill specular completely.
- specularTerm *= any(specColor) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- half grazingTerm = saturate(smoothness + (1-oneMinusReflectivity));
- SpecularLightData outData = (SpecularLightData)0;
- outData.lighting = indirectDiffuse + lightColor * diffuseTerm;
- outData.specular = (specularTerm * lightColor * FresnelTerm (specColor, lh)) + (surfaceReduction * indirectSpecular * FresnelLerp (specColor, grazingTerm, nv));
- return outData;
- }