* Spine Runtimes License Agreement
* Last updated January 1, 2020. Replaces all prior versions.
* Copyright (c) 2013-2020, Esoteric Software LLC
* Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating
* derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and
* conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:
* http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license
* Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software
* or otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,
* "Products"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own
* Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must
* include this license and copyright notice.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Spine {
/// A simple container for a list of timelines and a name.
public class Animation {
internal String name;
internal ExposedList timelines;
internal HashSet timelineIds;
internal float duration;
public Animation (string name, ExposedList timelines, float duration) {
if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("name", "name cannot be null.");
if (timelines == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("timelines", "timelines cannot be null.");
// Note: avoiding reallocations by adding all hash set entries at
// once (EnsureCapacity() is only available in newer .Net versions).
int[] propertyIDs = new int[timelines.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < timelines.Count; ++i) {
propertyIDs[i] = timelines.Items[i].PropertyId;
this.timelineIds = new HashSet(propertyIDs);
this.name = name;
this.timelines = timelines;
this.duration = duration;
public ExposedList Timelines { get { return timelines; } set { timelines = value; } }
/// The duration of the animation in seconds, which is the highest time of all keys in the timeline.
public float Duration { get { return duration; } set { duration = value; } }
/// The animation's name, which is unique across all animations in the skeleton.
public string Name { get { return name; } }
/// Whether the timeline with the property id is contained in this animation.
public bool HasTimeline (int id) {
return timelineIds.Contains(id);
/// Applies all the animation's timelines to the specified skeleton.
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, bool loop, ExposedList events, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
if (skeleton == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("skeleton", "skeleton cannot be null.");
if (loop && duration != 0) {
time %= duration;
if (lastTime > 0) lastTime %= duration;
ExposedList timelines = this.timelines;
for (int i = 0, n = timelines.Count; i < n; i++)
timelines.Items[i].Apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction);
override public string ToString () {
return name;
/// After the first and before the last entry.
/// Index of first value greater than the target.
internal static int BinarySearch (float[] values, float target, int step) {
int low = 0;
int high = values.Length / step - 2;
if (high == 0) return step;
int current = (int)((uint)high >> 1);
while (true) {
if (values[(current + 1) * step] <= target)
low = current + 1;
high = current;
if (low == high) return (low + 1) * step;
current = (int)((uint)(low + high) >> 1);
/// After the first and before the last entry.
internal static int BinarySearch (float[] values, float target) {
int low = 0;
int high = values.Length - 2;
if (high == 0) return 1;
int current = (int)((uint)high >> 1);
while (true) {
if (values[current + 1] <= target)
low = current + 1;
high = current;
if (low == high) return (low + 1);
current = (int)((uint)(low + high) >> 1);
internal static int LinearSearch (float[] values, float target, int step) {
for (int i = 0, last = values.Length - step; i <= last; i += step)
if (values[i] > target) return i;
return -1;
/// The interface for all timelines.
public interface Timeline {
/// Applies this timeline to the skeleton.
/// The skeleton the timeline is being applied to. This provides access to the bones, slots, and other
/// skeleton components the timeline may change.
/// The time this timeline was last applied. Timelines such as trigger only at specific
/// times rather than every frame. In that case, the timeline triggers everything between lastTime
/// (exclusive) and time
/// The time within the animation. Most timelines find the key before and the key after this time so they can
/// interpolate between the keys.
/// If any events are fired, they are added to this list. Can be null to ignore firing events or if the
/// timeline does not fire events.
/// 0 applies the current or setup value (depending on blend
). 1 applies the timeline value.
/// Between 0 and 1 applies a value between the current or setup value and the timeline value. By adjusting
/// alpha
over time, an animation can be mixed in or out. alpha
can also be useful to
/// apply animations on top of each other (layered).
/// Controls how mixing is applied when alpha
< 1.
/// Indicates whether the timeline is mixing in or out. Used by timelines which perform instant transitions,
/// such as or , and other such as {@link ScaleTimeline}.
void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList events, float alpha, MixBlend blend, MixDirection direction);
/// Uniquely encodes both the type of this timeline and the skeleton property that it affects.
int PropertyId { get; }
/// Controls how a timeline is mixed with the setup or current pose.
public enum MixBlend {
/// Transitions from the setup value to the timeline value (the current value is not used). Before the first key, the setup
/// value is set.
/// Transitions from the current value to the timeline value. Before the first key, transitions from the current value to
/// the setup value. Timelines which perform instant transitions, such as or
/// , use the setup value before the first key.
/// First
is intended for the first animations applied, not for animations layered on top of those.
/// Transitions from the current value to the timeline value. No change is made before the first key (the current value is
/// kept until the first key).
/// Replace
is intended for animations layered on top of others, not for the first animations applied.
/// Transitions from the current value to the current value plus the timeline value. No change is made before the first key
/// (the current value is kept until the first key).
/// Add
is intended for animations layered on top of others, not for the first animations applied.
/// Indicates whether a timeline's alpha
is mixing out over time toward 0 (the setup or current pose value) or
/// mixing in toward 1 (the timeline's value).
public enum MixDirection {
internal enum TimelineType {
Rotate = 0, Translate, Scale, Shear, //
Attachment, Color, Deform, //
Event, DrawOrder, //
IkConstraint, TransformConstraint, //
PathConstraintPosition, PathConstraintSpacing, PathConstraintMix, //
/// An interface for timelines which change the property of a bone.
public interface IBoneTimeline {
/// The index of the bone in that will be changed.
int BoneIndex { get; }
/// An interface for timelines which change the property of a slot.
public interface ISlotTimeline {
/// The index of the slot in that will be changed.
int SlotIndex { get; }
/// The base class for timelines that use interpolation between key frame values.
abstract public class CurveTimeline : Timeline {
protected const float LINEAR = 0, STEPPED = 1, BEZIER = 2;
protected const int BEZIER_SIZE = 10 * 2 - 1;
internal float[] curves; // type, x, y, ...
/// The number of key frames for this timeline.
public int FrameCount { get { return curves.Length / BEZIER_SIZE + 1; } }
public CurveTimeline (int frameCount) {
if (frameCount <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frameCount must be > 0: ");
curves = new float[(frameCount - 1) * BEZIER_SIZE];
abstract public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend, MixDirection direction);
abstract public int PropertyId { get; }
/// Sets the specified key frame to linear interpolation.
public void SetLinear (int frameIndex) {
curves[frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE] = LINEAR;
/// Sets the specified key frame to stepped interpolation.
public void SetStepped (int frameIndex) {
curves[frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE] = STEPPED;
/// Returns the interpolation type for the specified key frame.
/// Linear is 0, stepped is 1, Bezier is 2.
public float GetCurveType (int frameIndex) {
int index = frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE;
if (index == curves.Length) return LINEAR;
float type = curves[index];
if (type == LINEAR) return LINEAR;
if (type == STEPPED) return STEPPED;
return BEZIER;
/// Sets the specified key frame to Bezier interpolation. cx1
and cx2
are from 0 to 1,
/// representing the percent of time between the two key frames. cy1
and cy2
are the percent of the
/// difference between the key frame's values.
public void SetCurve (int frameIndex, float cx1, float cy1, float cx2, float cy2) {
float tmpx = (-cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03f, tmpy = (-cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03f;
float dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 + 1) * 0.006f, dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 + 1) * 0.006f;
float ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx, ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy;
float dfx = cx1 * 0.3f + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667f, dfy = cy1 * 0.3f + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667f;
int i = frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE;
float[] curves = this.curves;
curves[i++] = BEZIER;
float x = dfx, y = dfy;
for (int n = i + BEZIER_SIZE - 1; i < n; i += 2) {
curves[i] = x;
curves[i + 1] = y;
dfx += ddfx;
dfy += ddfy;
ddfx += dddfx;
ddfy += dddfy;
x += dfx;
y += dfy;
/// Returns the interpolated percentage for the specified key frame and linear percentage.
public float GetCurvePercent (int frameIndex, float percent) {
percent = MathUtils.Clamp (percent, 0, 1);
float[] curves = this.curves;
int i = frameIndex * BEZIER_SIZE;
float type = curves[i];
if (type == LINEAR) return percent;
if (type == STEPPED) return 0;
float x = 0;
for (int start = i, n = i + BEZIER_SIZE - 1; i < n; i += 2) {
x = curves[i];
if (x >= percent) {
if (i == start) return curves[i + 1] * percent / x; // First point is 0,0.
float prevX = curves[i - 2], prevY = curves[i - 1];
return prevY + (curves[i + 1] - prevY) * (percent - prevX) / (x - prevX);
float y = curves[i - 1];
return y + (1 - y) * (percent - x) / (1 - x); // Last point is 1,1.
/// Changes a bone's local .
public class RotateTimeline : CurveTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 2;
internal const int PREV_TIME = -2, PREV_ROTATION = -1;
internal const int ROTATION = 1;
internal int boneIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, degrees, ...
public RotateTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount << 1];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Rotate << 24) + boneIndex; }
/// The index of the bone in that will be changed.
public int BoneIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.boneIndex = value;
get {
return boneIndex;
/// The time in seconds and rotation in degrees for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds and the rotation in degrees for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float degrees) {
frameIndex <<= 1;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + ROTATION] = degrees;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation;
case MixBlend.First:
float r = bone.data.rotation - bone.rotation;
bone.rotation += (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * alpha;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
float r = frames[frames.Length + PREV_ROTATION];
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation + r * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
r += bone.data.rotation - bone.rotation;
r -= (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360;
goto case MixBlend.Add; // Fall through.
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.rotation += r * alpha;
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
float prevRotation = frames[frame + PREV_ROTATION];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent((frame >> 1) - 1, 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
// scope for 'r' to prevent compile error.
float r = frames[frame + ROTATION] - prevRotation;
r = prevRotation + (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * percent;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation + (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
r += bone.data.rotation - bone.rotation;
goto case MixBlend.Add; // Fall through.
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.rotation += (r - (16384 - (int)(16384.499999999996 - r / 360)) * 360) * alpha;
/// Changes a bone's local and .
public class TranslateTimeline : CurveTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 3;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -3, PREV_X = -2, PREV_Y = -1;
protected const int X = 1, Y = 2;
internal int boneIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, x, y, ...
public TranslateTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Translate << 24) + boneIndex; }
/// The index of the bone in that will be changed.
public int BoneIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.boneIndex = value;
get {
return boneIndex;
/// The time in seconds, x, and y values for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds, x, and y values for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float x, float y) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + X] = x;
frames[frameIndex + Y] = y;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.x = bone.data.x;
bone.y = bone.data.y;
case MixBlend.First:
bone.x += (bone.data.x - bone.x) * alpha;
bone.y += (bone.data.y - bone.y) * alpha;
float x, y;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
x = frames[frames.Length + PREV_X];
y = frames[frames.Length + PREV_Y];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
x = frames[frame + PREV_X];
y = frames[frame + PREV_Y];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
x += (frames[frame + X] - x) * percent;
y += (frames[frame + Y] - y) * percent;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.x = bone.data.x + x * alpha;
bone.y = bone.data.y + y * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bone.x += (bone.data.x + x - bone.x) * alpha;
bone.y += (bone.data.y + y - bone.y) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.x += x * alpha;
bone.y += y * alpha;
/// Changes a bone's local and .
public class ScaleTimeline : TranslateTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public ScaleTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Scale << 24) + boneIndex; }
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.scaleX = bone.data.scaleX;
bone.scaleY = bone.data.scaleY;
case MixBlend.First:
bone.scaleX += (bone.data.scaleX - bone.scaleX) * alpha;
bone.scaleY += (bone.data.scaleY - bone.scaleY) * alpha;
float x, y;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
x = frames[frames.Length + PREV_X] * bone.data.scaleX;
y = frames[frames.Length + PREV_Y] * bone.data.scaleY;
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
x = frames[frame + PREV_X];
y = frames[frame + PREV_Y];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
x = (x + (frames[frame + X] - x) * percent) * bone.data.scaleX;
y = (y + (frames[frame + Y] - y) * percent) * bone.data.scaleY;
if (alpha == 1) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Add) {
bone.scaleX += x - bone.data.scaleX;
bone.scaleY += y - bone.data.scaleY;
} else {
bone.scaleX = x;
bone.scaleY = y;
} else {
// Mixing out uses sign of setup or current pose, else use sign of key.
float bx, by;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bx = bone.data.scaleX;
by = bone.data.scaleY;
bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.Abs(x) * Math.Sign(bx) - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (Math.Abs(y) * Math.Sign(by) - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bx = bone.scaleX;
by = bone.scaleY;
bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.Abs(x) * Math.Sign(bx) - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (Math.Abs(y) * Math.Sign(by) - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bx = bone.scaleX;
by = bone.scaleY;
bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.Abs(x) * Math.Sign(bx) - bone.data.scaleX) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (Math.Abs(y) * Math.Sign(by) - bone.data.scaleY) * alpha;
} else {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bx = Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleX) * Math.Sign(x);
by = Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleY) * Math.Sign(y);
bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bx = Math.Abs(bone.scaleX) * Math.Sign(x);
by = Math.Abs(bone.scaleY) * Math.Sign(y);
bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bx = Math.Sign(x);
by = Math.Sign(y);
bone.scaleX = Math.Abs(bone.scaleX) * bx + (x - Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleX) * bx) * alpha;
bone.scaleY = Math.Abs(bone.scaleY) * by + (y - Math.Abs(bone.data.scaleY) * by) * alpha;
/// Changes a bone's local and .
public class ShearTimeline : TranslateTimeline, IBoneTimeline {
public ShearTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Shear << 24) + boneIndex; }
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Bone bone = skeleton.bones.Items[boneIndex];
if (!bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX;
bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY;
case MixBlend.First:
bone.shearX += (bone.data.shearX - bone.shearX) * alpha;
bone.shearY += (bone.data.shearY - bone.shearY) * alpha;
float x, y;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
x = frames[frames.Length + PREV_X];
y = frames[frames.Length + PREV_Y];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
x = frames[frame + PREV_X];
y = frames[frame + PREV_Y];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
x = x + (frames[frame + X] - x) * percent;
y = y + (frames[frame + Y] - y) * percent;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX + x * alpha;
bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY + y * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
bone.shearX += (bone.data.shearX + x - bone.shearX) * alpha;
bone.shearY += (bone.data.shearY + y - bone.shearY) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
bone.shearX += x * alpha;
bone.shearY += y * alpha;
/// Changes a slot's .
public class ColorTimeline : CurveTimeline, ISlotTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 5;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -5, PREV_R = -4, PREV_G = -3, PREV_B = -2, PREV_A = -1;
protected const int R = 1, G = 2, B = 3, A = 4;
internal int slotIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, r, g, b, a, ...
public ColorTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Color << 24) + slotIndex; }
/// The index of the slot in that will be changed.
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// The time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha values for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float r, float g, float b, float a) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + R] = r;
frames[frameIndex + G] = g;
frames[frameIndex + B] = b;
frames[frameIndex + A] = a;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
var slotData = slot.data;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
slot.r = slotData.r;
slot.g = slotData.g;
slot.b = slotData.b;
slot.a = slotData.a;
case MixBlend.First:
slot.r += (slotData.r - slot.r) * alpha;
slot.g += (slotData.g - slot.g) * alpha;
slot.b += (slotData.b - slot.b) * alpha;
slot.a += (slotData.a - slot.a) * alpha;
float r, g, b, a;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
int i = frames.Length;
r = frames[i + PREV_R];
g = frames[i + PREV_G];
b = frames[i + PREV_B];
a = frames[i + PREV_A];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
r = frames[frame + PREV_R];
g = frames[frame + PREV_G];
b = frames[frame + PREV_B];
a = frames[frame + PREV_A];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
r += (frames[frame + R] - r) * percent;
g += (frames[frame + G] - g) * percent;
b += (frames[frame + B] - b) * percent;
a += (frames[frame + A] - a) * percent;
if (alpha == 1) {
slot.r = r;
slot.g = g;
slot.b = b;
slot.a = a;
} else {
float br, bg, bb, ba;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
br = slot.data.r;
bg = slot.data.g;
bb = slot.data.b;
ba = slot.data.a;
} else {
br = slot.r;
bg = slot.g;
bb = slot.b;
ba = slot.a;
slot.r = br + ((r - br) * alpha);
slot.g = bg + ((g - bg) * alpha);
slot.b = bb + ((b - bb) * alpha);
slot.a = ba + ((a - ba) * alpha);
/// Changes a slot's and for two color tinting.
public class TwoColorTimeline : CurveTimeline, ISlotTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 8;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -8, PREV_R = -7, PREV_G = -6, PREV_B = -5, PREV_A = -4;
protected const int PREV_R2 = -3, PREV_G2 = -2, PREV_B2 = -1;
protected const int R = 1, G = 2, B = 3, A = 4, R2 = 5, G2 = 6, B2 = 7;
internal int slotIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2, ...
public TwoColorTimeline (int frameCount) :
base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.TwoColor << 24) + slotIndex; }
/// The index of the slot in that will be changed.
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// The time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha values for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds, light, and dark colors for the specified key frame..
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float r, float g, float b, float a, float r2, float g2, float b2) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + R] = r;
frames[frameIndex + G] = g;
frames[frameIndex + B] = b;
frames[frameIndex + A] = a;
frames[frameIndex + R2] = r2;
frames[frameIndex + G2] = g2;
frames[frameIndex + B2] = b2;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
var slotData = slot.data;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
// slot.color.set(slot.data.color);
// slot.darkColor.set(slot.data.darkColor);
slot.r = slotData.r;
slot.g = slotData.g;
slot.b = slotData.b;
slot.a = slotData.a;
slot.r2 = slotData.r2;
slot.g2 = slotData.g2;
slot.b2 = slotData.b2;
case MixBlend.First:
slot.r += (slot.r - slotData.r) * alpha;
slot.g += (slot.g - slotData.g) * alpha;
slot.b += (slot.b - slotData.b) * alpha;
slot.a += (slot.a - slotData.a) * alpha;
slot.r2 += (slot.r2 - slotData.r2) * alpha;
slot.g2 += (slot.g2 - slotData.g2) * alpha;
slot.b2 += (slot.b2 - slotData.b2) * alpha;
float r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
int i = frames.Length;
r = frames[i + PREV_R];
g = frames[i + PREV_G];
b = frames[i + PREV_B];
a = frames[i + PREV_A];
r2 = frames[i + PREV_R2];
g2 = frames[i + PREV_G2];
b2 = frames[i + PREV_B2];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
r = frames[frame + PREV_R];
g = frames[frame + PREV_G];
b = frames[frame + PREV_B];
a = frames[frame + PREV_A];
r2 = frames[frame + PREV_R2];
g2 = frames[frame + PREV_G2];
b2 = frames[frame + PREV_B2];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
r += (frames[frame + R] - r) * percent;
g += (frames[frame + G] - g) * percent;
b += (frames[frame + B] - b) * percent;
a += (frames[frame + A] - a) * percent;
r2 += (frames[frame + R2] - r2) * percent;
g2 += (frames[frame + G2] - g2) * percent;
b2 += (frames[frame + B2] - b2) * percent;
if (alpha == 1) {
slot.r = r;
slot.g = g;
slot.b = b;
slot.a = a;
slot.r2 = r2;
slot.g2 = g2;
slot.b2 = b2;
} else {
float br, bg, bb, ba, br2, bg2, bb2;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
br = slot.data.r;
bg = slot.data.g;
bb = slot.data.b;
ba = slot.data.a;
br2 = slot.data.r2;
bg2 = slot.data.g2;
bb2 = slot.data.b2;
} else {
br = slot.r;
bg = slot.g;
bb = slot.b;
ba = slot.a;
br2 = slot.r2;
bg2 = slot.g2;
bb2 = slot.b2;
slot.r = br + ((r - br) * alpha);
slot.g = bg + ((g - bg) * alpha);
slot.b = bb + ((b - bb) * alpha);
slot.a = ba + ((a - ba) * alpha);
slot.r2 = br2 + ((r2 - br2) * alpha);
slot.g2 = bg2 + ((g2 - bg2) * alpha);
slot.b2 = bb2 + ((b2 - bb2) * alpha);
/// Changes a slot's .
public class AttachmentTimeline : Timeline, ISlotTimeline {
internal int slotIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
internal string[] attachmentNames;
public AttachmentTimeline (int frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
attachmentNames = new String[frameCount];
public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Attachment << 24) + slotIndex; }
/// The number of key frames for this timeline.
public int FrameCount { get { return frames.Length; } }
/// The index of the slot in that will be changed.
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// The time in seconds for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// The attachment name for each key frame. May contain null values to clear the attachment.
public string[] AttachmentNames { get { return attachmentNames; } set { attachmentNames = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds and the attachment name for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, String attachmentName) {
frames[frameIndex] = time;
attachmentNames[frameIndex] = attachmentName;
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) SetAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName);
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup || blend == MixBlend.First) SetAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName);
int frameIndex;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1]) // Time is after last frame.
frameIndex = frames.Length - 1;
frameIndex = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time) - 1;
SetAttachment(skeleton, slot, attachmentNames[frameIndex]);
private void SetAttachment (Skeleton skeleton, Slot slot, string attachmentName) {
slot.Attachment = attachmentName == null ? null : skeleton.GetAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName);
/// Changes a slot's to deform a .
public class DeformTimeline : CurveTimeline, ISlotTimeline {
internal int slotIndex;
internal VertexAttachment attachment;
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
internal float[][] frameVertices;
public DeformTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
frameVertices = new float[frameCount][];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Deform << 27) + attachment.id + slotIndex; }
/// The index of the slot in that will be changed.
public int SlotIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.slotIndex = value;
get {
return slotIndex;
/// The attachment that will be deformed.
public VertexAttachment Attachment { get { return attachment; } set { attachment = value; } }
/// The time in seconds for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// The vertices for each key frame.
public float[][] Vertices { get { return frameVertices; } set { frameVertices = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds and the vertices for the specified key frame.
/// Vertex positions for an unweighted VertexAttachment, or deform offsets if it has weights.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float[] vertices) {
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frameVertices[frameIndex] = vertices;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
Slot slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex];
if (!slot.bone.active) return;
VertexAttachment vertexAttachment = slot.attachment as VertexAttachment;
if (vertexAttachment == null || vertexAttachment.DeformAttachment != attachment) return;
var deformArray = slot.Deform;
if (deformArray.Count == 0) blend = MixBlend.Setup;
float[][] frameVertices = this.frameVertices;
int vertexCount = frameVertices[0].Length;
float[] frames = this.frames;
float[] deform;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
case MixBlend.First:
if (alpha == 1) {
// deformArray.SetSize(vertexCount) // Ensure size and preemptively set count.
if (deformArray.Capacity < vertexCount) deformArray.Capacity = vertexCount;
deformArray.Count = vertexCount;
deform = deformArray.Items;
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += (setupVertices[i] - deform[i]) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets.
alpha = 1 - alpha;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] *= alpha;
// deformArray.SetSize(vertexCount) // Ensure size and preemptively set count.
if (deformArray.Capacity < vertexCount) deformArray.Capacity = vertexCount;
deformArray.Count = vertexCount;
deform = deformArray.Items;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1]) { // Time is after last frame.
float[] lastVertices = frameVertices[frames.Length - 1];
if (alpha == 1) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Add) {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, no alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += lastVertices[i] - setupVertices[i];
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, no alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += lastVertices[i];
} else {
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, no alpha.
Array.Copy(lastVertices, 0, deform, 0, vertexCount);
} else {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup: {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, with alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float setup = setupVertices[i];
deform[i] = setup + (lastVertices[i] - setup) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] = lastVertices[i] * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace:
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += (lastVertices[i] - deform[i]) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add:
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, no alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += (lastVertices[i] - setupVertices[i]) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
deform[i] += lastVertices[i] * alpha;
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time);
float[] prevVertices = frameVertices[frame - 1];
float[] nextVertices = frameVertices[frame];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame - 1, 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame - 1] - frameTime));
if (alpha == 1) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Add) {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, no alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - setupVertices[i];
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, no alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent;
} else {
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, no alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] = prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent;
} else {
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup: {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, with alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i], setup = setupVertices[i];
deform[i] = setup + (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - setup) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] = (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent) * alpha;
case MixBlend.First:
case MixBlend.Replace: {
// Vertex positions or deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - deform[i]) * alpha;
case MixBlend.Add: {
if (vertexAttachment.bones == null) {
// Unweighted vertex positions, with alpha.
float[] setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent - setupVertices[i]) * alpha;
} else {
// Weighted deform offsets, with alpha.
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
float prev = prevVertices[i];
deform[i] += (prev + (nextVertices[i] - prev) * percent) * alpha;
/// Fires an when specific animation times are reached.
public class EventTimeline : Timeline {
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
private Event[] events;
public EventTimeline (int frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
events = new Event[frameCount];
public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.Event << 24); }
/// The number of key frames for this timeline.
public int FrameCount { get { return frames.Length; } }
/// The time in seconds for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// The event for each key frame.
public Event[] Events { get { return events; } set { events = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds and the event for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, Event e) {
frames[frameIndex] = e.Time;
events[frameIndex] = e;
/// Fires events for frames > lastTime
and <= time
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
if (firedEvents == null) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
int frameCount = frames.Length;
if (lastTime > time) { // Fire events after last time for looped animations.
Apply(skeleton, lastTime, int.MaxValue, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction);
lastTime = -1f;
} else if (lastTime >= frames[frameCount - 1]) // Last time is after last frame.
if (time < frames[0]) return; // Time is before first frame.
int frame;
if (lastTime < frames[0])
frame = 0;
else {
frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, lastTime);
float frameTime = frames[frame];
while (frame > 0) { // Fire multiple events with the same frame.
if (frames[frame - 1] != frameTime) break;
for (; frame < frameCount && time >= frames[frame]; frame++)
/// Changes a skeleton's .
public class DrawOrderTimeline : Timeline {
internal float[] frames; // time, ...
private int[][] drawOrders;
public DrawOrderTimeline (int frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount];
drawOrders = new int[frameCount][];
public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.DrawOrder << 24); }
/// The number of key frames for this timeline.
public int FrameCount { get { return frames.Length; } }
/// The time in seconds for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, ...
/// The draw order for each key frame.
/// .
public int[][] DrawOrders { get { return drawOrders; } set { drawOrders = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds and the draw order for the specified key frame.
/// For each slot in the index of the new draw order. May be null to use setup pose
/// draw order..
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, int[] drawOrder) {
frames[frameIndex] = time;
drawOrders[frameIndex] = drawOrder;
public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
ExposedList drawOrder = skeleton.drawOrder;
ExposedList slots = skeleton.slots;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) Array.Copy(slots.Items, 0, drawOrder.Items, 0, slots.Count);
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup || blend == MixBlend.First) Array.Copy(slots.Items, 0, drawOrder.Items, 0, slots.Count);
int frame;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - 1]) // Time is after last frame.
frame = frames.Length - 1;
frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time) - 1;
int[] drawOrderToSetupIndex = drawOrders[frame];
if (drawOrderToSetupIndex == null) {
Array.Copy(slots.Items, 0, drawOrder.Items, 0, slots.Count);
} else {
var drawOrderItems = drawOrder.Items;
var slotsItems = slots.Items;
for (int i = 0, n = drawOrderToSetupIndex.Length; i < n; i++)
drawOrderItems[i] = slotsItems[drawOrderToSetupIndex[i]];
/// Changes an IK constraint's , ,
/// , , and .
public class IkConstraintTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 6;
private const int PREV_TIME = -6, PREV_MIX = -5, PREV_SOFTNESS = -4, PREV_BEND_DIRECTION = -3, PREV_COMPRESS = -2,
private const int MIX = 1, SOFTNESS = 2, BEND_DIRECTION = 3, COMPRESS = 4, STRETCH = 5;
internal int ikConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, mix, softness, bendDirection, compress, stretch, ...
public IkConstraintTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.IkConstraint << 24) + ikConstraintIndex; }
/// The index of the IK constraint slot in that will be changed.
public int IkConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.ikConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return ikConstraintIndex;
/// The time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } }
/// Sets the time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float mix, float softness, int bendDirection, bool compress,
bool stretch) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + MIX] = mix;
frames[frameIndex + SOFTNESS] = softness;
frames[frameIndex + BEND_DIRECTION] = bendDirection;
frames[frameIndex + COMPRESS] = compress ? 1 : 0;
frames[frameIndex + STRETCH] = stretch ? 1 : 0;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
IkConstraint constraint = skeleton.ikConstraints.Items[ikConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix;
constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness;
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.mix += (constraint.data.mix - constraint.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness += (constraint.data.softness - constraint.softness) * alpha;
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix + (frames[frames.Length + PREV_MIX] - constraint.data.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness
+ (frames[frames.Length + PREV_SOFTNESS] - constraint.data.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
} else {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frames.Length + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frames.Length + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frames.Length + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
} else {
constraint.mix += (frames[frames.Length + PREV_MIX] - constraint.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness += (frames[frames.Length + PREV_SOFTNESS] - constraint.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.In) {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frames.Length + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frames.Length + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frames.Length + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
float mix = frames[frame + PREV_MIX];
float softness = frames[frame + PREV_SOFTNESS];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix + (mix + (frames[frame + MIX] - mix) * percent - constraint.data.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness
+ (softness + (frames[frame + SOFTNESS] - softness) * percent - constraint.data.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.Out) {
constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection;
constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress;
constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch;
} else {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frame + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frame + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frame + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
} else {
constraint.mix += (mix + (frames[frame + MIX] - mix) * percent - constraint.mix) * alpha;
constraint.softness += (softness + (frames[frame + SOFTNESS] - softness) * percent - constraint.softness) * alpha;
if (direction == MixDirection.In) {
constraint.bendDirection = (int)frames[frame + PREV_BEND_DIRECTION];
constraint.compress = frames[frame + PREV_COMPRESS] != 0;
constraint.stretch = frames[frame + PREV_STRETCH] != 0;
/// Changes a transform constraint's mixes.
public class TransformConstraintTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 5;
private const int PREV_TIME = -5, PREV_ROTATE = -4, PREV_TRANSLATE = -3, PREV_SCALE = -2, PREV_SHEAR = -1;
private const int ROTATE = 1, TRANSLATE = 2, SCALE = 3, SHEAR = 4;
internal int transformConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, shear mix, ...
public TransformConstraintTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.TransformConstraint << 24) + transformConstraintIndex; }
/// The index of the transform constraint slot in that will be changed.
public int TransformConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.transformConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return transformConstraintIndex;
/// The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, shear mix, ...
/// The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float rotateMix, float translateMix, float scaleMix, float shearMix) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + ROTATE] = rotateMix;
frames[frameIndex + TRANSLATE] = translateMix;
frames[frameIndex + SCALE] = scaleMix;
frames[frameIndex + SHEAR] = shearMix;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
TransformConstraint constraint = skeleton.transformConstraints.Items[transformConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
TransformConstraintData data = constraint.data;
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.rotateMix = data.rotateMix;
constraint.translateMix = data.translateMix;
constraint.scaleMix = data.scaleMix;
constraint.shearMix = data.shearMix;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.rotateMix += (data.rotateMix - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (data.translateMix - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;
constraint.scaleMix += (data.scaleMix - constraint.scaleMix) * alpha;
constraint.shearMix += (data.shearMix - constraint.shearMix) * alpha;
float rotate, translate, scale, shear;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
int i = frames.Length;
rotate = frames[i + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[i + PREV_TRANSLATE];
scale = frames[i + PREV_SCALE];
shear = frames[i + PREV_SHEAR];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
rotate = frames[frame + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[frame + PREV_TRANSLATE];
scale = frames[frame + PREV_SCALE];
shear = frames[frame + PREV_SHEAR];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
rotate += (frames[frame + ROTATE] - rotate) * percent;
translate += (frames[frame + TRANSLATE] - translate) * percent;
scale += (frames[frame + SCALE] - scale) * percent;
shear += (frames[frame + SHEAR] - shear) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
TransformConstraintData data = constraint.data;
constraint.rotateMix = data.rotateMix + (rotate - data.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix = data.translateMix + (translate - data.translateMix) * alpha;
constraint.scaleMix = data.scaleMix + (scale - data.scaleMix) * alpha;
constraint.shearMix = data.shearMix + (shear - data.shearMix) * alpha;
} else {
constraint.rotateMix += (rotate - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (translate - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;
constraint.scaleMix += (scale - constraint.scaleMix) * alpha;
constraint.shearMix += (shear - constraint.shearMix) * alpha;
/// Changes a path constraint's .
public class PathConstraintPositionTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 2;
protected const int PREV_TIME = -2, PREV_VALUE = -1;
protected const int VALUE = 1;
internal int pathConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, position, ...
public PathConstraintPositionTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.PathConstraintPosition << 24) + pathConstraintIndex; }
/// The index of the path constraint slot in that will be changed.
public int PathConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.pathConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return pathConstraintIndex;
/// The time in seconds and path constraint position for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, position, ...
/// Sets the time in seconds and path constraint position for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float position) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + VALUE] = position;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
PathConstraint constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[pathConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.position = constraint.data.position;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.position += (constraint.data.position - constraint.position) * alpha;
float position;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) // Time is after last frame.
position = frames[frames.Length + PREV_VALUE];
else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
position = frames[frame + PREV_VALUE];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
position += (frames[frame + VALUE] - position) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup)
constraint.position = constraint.data.position + (position - constraint.data.position) * alpha;
constraint.position += (position - constraint.position) * alpha;
/// Changes a path constraint's .
public class PathConstraintSpacingTimeline : PathConstraintPositionTimeline {
public PathConstraintSpacingTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.PathConstraintSpacing << 24) + pathConstraintIndex; }
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList events, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
PathConstraint constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[pathConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.spacing = constraint.data.spacing;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.spacing += (constraint.data.spacing - constraint.spacing) * alpha;
float spacing;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) // Time is after last frame.
spacing = frames[frames.Length + PREV_VALUE];
else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
spacing = frames[frame + PREV_VALUE];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
spacing += (frames[frame + VALUE] - spacing) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup)
constraint.spacing = constraint.data.spacing + (spacing - constraint.data.spacing) * alpha;
constraint.spacing += (spacing - constraint.spacing) * alpha;
/// Changes a path constraint's mixes.
public class PathConstraintMixTimeline : CurveTimeline {
public const int ENTRIES = 3;
private const int PREV_TIME = -3, PREV_ROTATE = -2, PREV_TRANSLATE = -1;
private const int ROTATE = 1, TRANSLATE = 2;
internal int pathConstraintIndex;
internal float[] frames; // time, rotate mix, translate mix, ...
public PathConstraintMixTimeline (int frameCount)
: base(frameCount) {
frames = new float[frameCount * ENTRIES];
override public int PropertyId {
get { return ((int)TimelineType.PathConstraintMix << 24) + pathConstraintIndex; }
/// The index of the path constraint slot in that will be changed.
public int PathConstraintIndex {
set {
if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index must be >= 0.");
this.pathConstraintIndex = value;
get {
return pathConstraintIndex;
/// The time in seconds, rotate mix, and translate mix for each key frame.
public float[] Frames { get { return frames; } set { frames = value; } } // time, rotate mix, translate mix, ...
/// The time in seconds, rotate mix, and translate mix for the specified key frame.
public void SetFrame (int frameIndex, float time, float rotateMix, float translateMix) {
frameIndex *= ENTRIES;
frames[frameIndex] = time;
frames[frameIndex + ROTATE] = rotateMix;
frames[frameIndex + TRANSLATE] = translateMix;
override public void Apply (Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList firedEvents, float alpha, MixBlend blend,
MixDirection direction) {
PathConstraint constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[pathConstraintIndex];
if (!constraint.active) return;
float[] frames = this.frames;
if (time < frames[0]) { // Time is before first frame.
switch (blend) {
case MixBlend.Setup:
constraint.rotateMix = constraint.data.rotateMix;
constraint.translateMix = constraint.data.translateMix;
case MixBlend.First:
constraint.rotateMix += (constraint.data.rotateMix - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (constraint.data.translateMix - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;
float rotate, translate;
if (time >= frames[frames.Length - ENTRIES]) { // Time is after last frame.
rotate = frames[frames.Length + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[frames.Length + PREV_TRANSLATE];
} else {
// Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
int frame = Animation.BinarySearch(frames, time, ENTRIES);
rotate = frames[frame + PREV_ROTATE];
translate = frames[frame + PREV_TRANSLATE];
float frameTime = frames[frame];
float percent = GetCurvePercent(frame / ENTRIES - 1,
1 - (time - frameTime) / (frames[frame + PREV_TIME] - frameTime));
rotate += (frames[frame + ROTATE] - rotate) * percent;
translate += (frames[frame + TRANSLATE] - translate) * percent;
if (blend == MixBlend.Setup) {
constraint.rotateMix = constraint.data.rotateMix + (rotate - constraint.data.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix = constraint.data.translateMix + (translate - constraint.data.translateMix) * alpha;
} else {
constraint.rotateMix += (rotate - constraint.rotateMix) * alpha;
constraint.translateMix += (translate - constraint.translateMix) * alpha;