using XGame.Framework.Asyncs; using System; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace XGame.Framework.FileSystem { //internal enum ECopyMode //{ // /// // /// 包外->包外 // /// // OUTSIDE_TO_OUTSIDE, // /// // /// 包内->包外 // /// // INNERASSETS_TO_OUTSIDE //} internal sealed class CopyFileAsync : Async, ICopyFileAsync { bool overwrite; public bool Success { get; private set; } public string From { get; private set; } public string To { get; private set; } public CopyFileAsync(string source, string destination, bool overwrite) { From = source; To = destination; Success = false; this.overwrite = overwrite; } public void Start() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(From)) { Success = false; Exception = new Exception($"源文件路径为空..."); Completed(); return; } WebRequestCopyFile(); } private void WebRequestCopyFile() { var uri = new Uri(From); var request = UnityWebRequest.Get(uri); var operation = request.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (op) => { var bRet = request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success && string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.error); if (bRet) { try { var toDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(To); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(toDir)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(toDir); } System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(To,; } catch (Exception ex) { OnThreadCompleted(new CopyThreadContext(false, ex)); return; } } else { Log.Error($"CopyFileAsync failed. From:{From} To:{To} UnityWebRequest Result:{request.result} Error:{request.error}"); } OnThreadCompleted(new CopyThreadContext(bRet, null)); }; } private void OnThreadCompleted(object obj) { var context = (CopyThreadContext)obj; Exception = context.Exception; Success = context.Success; Completed(); } struct CopyThreadContext { public bool Success { get; } public Exception Exception { get; } public CopyThreadContext(bool success, Exception exception) { Success = success; Exception = exception; } } } }